CATRisk Earthquake Models (CRSEQ)

We provide natural hazard and risk assessment solutions in the forms of cat risk models, consulting services and software applications, and our researches form the bases for catastrophe risk model for many countries on every continent across the globe.

Almost there; A Global Earthquake Loss Model

Earthquake Loss model for more than 155 countries in Europe, Asia and Africa are available now for licensing or consulting services with plane for development and release of more models for Latin America and towards a Global Earthquake Loss model in near future.

Proud of our clients

More than 35 insurers, reinsurers and brokers worldwide have been using our cat risk models, either in the form of annual license agreement or as consulting services. Our products have been helping the industry with all aspects of catastrophe risk management measures including pricing, underwriting, accumulation and design of further risk transfer strategies.

Fortunate to have great partners

We are fortunate that our expertise and products have connected us with world-class technology providers to offer cat risk solutions and services in user-friendly Analytical Platforms, providing functionality and tools required for exposure data import, insurance loss calculation and loss results output. All our models are Oasis LMF compatible and available on Nasdaq Risk Modelling for Catastrophes NRMC. Through partnership with other cat modelling firms, we also provide multi-hazard cat risk solutions.

We are here to meet all your cat risk needs

Most of our clients access our model using cloud-based application such as NRMC and Oasis UI and based on annual license agreement. However for clients with limited resources and cat modelling needs, we provide cat risk consulting services in the form of Portfolio Analysis with defined scopes and deliveries.

Dedicated to promote cat risk modelling

We are happy to share our experience and transfer our knowledge with those willing to expand their understandings with regard to model-based cat risk management and we are actively involved in publications and Training. Our training course are conducted at times and locations of your choice and can be tailored to your specific needs.

Not just a cat modeler and could do more

CATRisk® provides various Exposure Data Services. We have developed Industry Exposure data for many countries and could also help our clients to develop their own nation-wide exposure database for various line of businesses out of built environment and industrial data collection. We have tools and approaches to clean, reformat, geo-reference, validate and model clien ts’ exposure data.